Hattie Williams is one of our Open Call artists showcasing their painting at Ink Gallerys Primer exhibition from the 26th May 2023 - 24th July 2023.
Hattie Williams is a local artist from Colwyn Bay, who has studied Pattern design at Staffordshire university. The painting being exhibited at the Primer exhibtion 'Social Queen', was part of Hattie's degree show which was exploring the concept of the 'other' in society, the aim of the project is to create conversations about diversity in society. Their work explores on contemporary social issues on poverty, gender identity, the BLM movement and visual identity. Hatties work is about supporting people who are often overlooked or misjudged in society.
You can see Hattie Williams work on the 26th May 2023 - 24th July 2023.
- Social Queen - Gouche on Paper, 16.5 x 23.4 (420 x 594 mm)
You can follow Hattie Williams artwork at their social links here: