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Nathan Jones is part of ink gallery collections and has previously exhibited here as a featured artist for Primer, a showcase of international and UK based artists.


Nathan Jones is a local artist from Wales who has exhibited in galleries such as lifefullcolour in Caernarfon and has studied in John Moors, Liverpool.


Nathan bases their work on the sense of place, ultimately they are created from their emotional reaction of the Welsh Landscape. Painted in an expressionist style and who refers to their painting process as an epic battle, that  he skillfully creates with layer on upon layer of oils with a dream like pallette of yellows, cyans and magentas.


List of artworks by Nathan Jone's being showcased at Ink Gallery Collection:


  • A Summers Evening
  • A Break in Clouds 
  • Stepping into the Divine (Currently in storage)
  • Looking into the Subconcious


You can folllow Nathan Jones art at their social links here:

Nathan Jones

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