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Sameul T Ward is part of ink gallery collections, a showcase of international and UK based artists.


Samuel T. Ward started his artistic journey in his early teens when he discovered a love for oil pastels. He found great joy in meticulously sketching out a portrait and then covering it haphazardly with the often messy pastels. In later years, he dropped the oil pastels and focused his creativity on his writing, choosing to transcribe the worlds and characters in his mind rather than draw them. More recently, as he has battled with his OCD and anxiety, Sam has turned to painting and photography to quiet his mind. Inspired by Bob Ross, Sam decided to give landscapes a go, trying to replicate the alla prima technique used by Ross only with acrylics instead of oil, forcing him to work fast whilst also affording him the luxury of a faster drying time. Sam’s love of writing naturally led to a love of literature, and this has inspired some of his work. He has been particularly inspired by the poem, ‘Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came’ by Robert Browning, and often returns to the world created by Browning when painting landscapes that are seemingly devoid of life. His paintings, “Mere Ugly Heights” and “The Tower” both took inspiration from this poem and aim to show the desolation that surrounded Roland on his quest for the Tower, a quest that has resonated with Sam throughout his life as he has navigated the hostile and unforgiving landscape of mental illness.


  • Mere Ugly Heights, 2022 Acrylic on paper (Currently in storage)
  • The Tower (2023), Acrylic on canvas



Samuel T. Ward

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